Securing cloud services to enable business growth

CST-360 provides cloud security Governance, defining the the boundaries of organization’s cloud environments, regardless of the service provider. Once defined, we assist in installing, configuring and implementing appropriate cloud security controls that enables business services and usage in a secure manner.
Is Your Cloud Secure?

Cloud Security leverages risk to better business services

Cloud based services shape our digital world. Yet, just like any other technology, cloud services inherit new risks as well. CST-360 cloud services are based on two simple principles: Ensuring data is restricted from access and/or routing and the second is Security by Design. Strive to involve security as soon as possible with any given business initiative or project. You will be surprised to see how security improves cloud based business services.

Is Your Cloud Secure?

Controlling the business risks of cloud based services

Cloud advantages may dazzle decision makers to take the easy line. Have they considered the consequences of a data breach? Stored data on cloud infrastructure brings numerous hackers to try and hack it.
When planning cloud services be clear and simple, based on:
1. Data Centric – Data is probably your most important asset. Classify it for appropriate security, then implement access controls and routing restrictions.
2. Process Centric – Develop consist policies to follow. Utilize security by design.
Use the “shift left” security principle. On any given timeline, shift security left on the timeline in order to involve security on business cloud based initiatives.

Is Your Cloud Secure?

Securing cloud based business services

Promoting security by design with cloud services will eliminate many known security breach vectors. Your C-level executives should understand why cloud security is a MUST investment for the business.
Flexible cost effectiveness, Easiness and speed, accessibility and simplicity are all very good reasons for moving into the cloud.
Unfortunately, most services and advantages come naked from security controls.
CST-360 will assist you in identifying what is required with a risk based approach and will supply you with the business rational behind it.

Involve security by design with your cloud base initiatives
Map the business risks on your business cloud based services
Eliminate risk by access controls and data routing restrictions
Is Your Cloud Secure?

Leverage your business, 
while protecting what matters

Let's Plan Your Security
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