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Category: Governance
April 18, 2020
Is office space part of your strategy?

Could it be that organizations do not need office space anymore? Would it be fair to say that we can reduce a substantial part of our leased space costs? Imagine this: our employees are working remotely. Part of them are working from home, others sit in coffee houses or leased spaces next to their home. […]

May 17, 2017
Governance Against Malware

In the past two weeks, all we hear are #WannaCry, #WannaCrypt, and the world’s biggest cyberattack. However, eventually, protecting against these and other malware,  is still a good Patch Management process. Nothing more. No extra security tools and no extra cost investments. So with no further due, just invest in good practices. Govern your IT and […]

December 31, 2018
2019 - New Year Predictions

Humbly and with respect, I admit that 2018 was very good for us @ CST-360.We had some new fascinating engagements that started and will continue into the new year with new technologies, new business models and above all new BUSINESS RISKS to address. What should we expect of coming 2019? Here are the three bullets […]

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